Blockchain tech's potential for making consumption more sustinable

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Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:12 pm

Coffee has a reputation for involving shady actors in its production and distribution. That's what makes this recent blockchain-based project by IBM and Farmer Connect such an encouraging solution. Once it's been put into place, it will allow consumers to see the journey that their coffee beans have taken - from farmer to processor to shipper to roaster to the store where they picked it up.
How-blockchain-can-build-a-transparent-coffee-supply.jpg (1.48 MiB) Viewed 3882 times
Consumers can quickly and easily see just how sustainable their coffee is - and then they can choose to support the most sustainable, responsible products with their dollars. It's an ingenious blockchain solution that should be expanded to other industries. These are the kinds of innovations that will make the UN goals attainable.

Is anyone familiar with similar projects in other industries riddled with corruption?
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